
Mikhaylov Dmitry is a VP of the RLLC

He was born in USSR, 01/06/1962. Got his Ph.D. (Candidate of Sciences in Economics. Diploma.) on the 22 June 1988 by defending Thesis: “Economic relations of EU with the countries of South-East Asia and Far East” in the Institute of World Economy & International Relations Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. In January 1999 became Maître de Conférences in International Economic & International Money and credit Relations and in May 1999 defended his Doctor of Economic Sciences Thesis: “New Trends of Development of the Global Financial Market: Instruments & Tendencies”. From December 1999 he is a Correspondent member of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences and in February 2001 is a full time Professor, of the Chair of the International Foreign Exchange and Credit Relations of the Financial University, Moscow, RF. He had set up in 2001 an “International Financial University of the XXI century”, Finance Academy of the RF Government (FA), Moscow, Russia.

It should be pointed that Prof. Mikhaylov was working since 1990 in banking and financial sector as a deputy chief accountant for foreign trade operations, financial planning and foreign operations department manager, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Adviser to the Chairman of the Board and etc. of the top five banks in RF. From 2003 he is the CEO of the consulting and innovative business promotion company in Luxembourg.

Those days he is working as a visiting professor in National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

As a summary of his career and lecturing Professor Mikhaylov is giving in RLLC several courses and short workshops in management sphere in English and Russian language.

  1. Эффективное корпоративное управление / Effective corporate governance (297S. – 42 h.) / Rus.
  2. Аутсорсинг бизнес-процессов / Outsourcing of business processes (81S. – 12 h.) / Course for MS students. / Rus.
  3. Аутсорсинг / Outsourcing (182S. – 22 h.) / Course for MBA listeners. / Rus.
  4. Финансовые рынки. / Financial markets. (234S. – 30 h.) / Rus.
  5. Международный финансовый рынок: долговые инструменты / International Financial Markets: Debt Instruments (115S. – 16 h.) / Rus.
  6. Антикризисное управление / Crisis management (313S. – 40 h.) / Rus.
  7. Кросс-культурное корпоративное управление / Crosscultural (corporate) management (158S. – 28 h.) / Rus.
  8. Внешнеэкономическая деятельность предприятий РФ / Foreign economic activity of Russian enterprises (803S. – 110 h.) / Rus.
  9. Управление бизнес проектами / Business Project Management (234S. – 40 h.) / Rus.
  10. Переговорный процесс / Negotiation process (234S. – 34 h.) / Rus.
  11. Международное сотрудничество в области высоких технологиях / International cooperation in the field of high technologies (462S. – 56 h.) / Rus.
  12. Мотивационный менеджмент / Motivational management (432S. – 52h.) / Rus.
  13. Современный стратегический анализ / Modern strategic analysis (189S. – 28h.) / Rus.
  14. Управление изменениями. ECM. / Change management. ECM (Enterprise Change Management) (72S. – 10 h.) / Rus.
  15. 14 секретов психологии, которые полезно знать /14 secrets of psychologie that are useful to know (18S. – 1.5 h.) / Rus.
  16. Change Management (165S. – 22 h.) / Eng.
  17. Эффективные корпоративные совещания. / Effective corporative meetings (68S. – 12 h.) / Rus.
  18. Best Presentation Hacks You Will Ever Need (32S. – 2.8 h.) / Eng.
  19. Corporate Culture readings:
    1. 7 Tips on dealing with a BULLY at work (33S. – 3.5 h.) / Eng.
    2. Who is the Horrible Employee? (16S. – 1.8 h.) / Eng.
    3. Корпоративная культура. Влияние изменений на Корпоративную Культуру. / Corporate culture. Impact of changes on Corporate Culture. (40S. – 6 h.) / Rus.
    4. Is Leadership Development worth the investment (16S. – 0.8 h.) / Eng.
    5. 10 Leadership Lessons (12S. – 0.5 h.) / Eng.
    6. Корпоративная культура делового общения. Коммуникативная культура организации / Corporate culture of business communication. Communicative culture of organization (37S. – 4.5 h.) / Rus.
    7. Want to be a leader? Ph.D. Level in Leadership! ? (48S. – 2 h.) / Eng.
    8. Several Issues One should know and use to Strengthen Relationships within HIS Team (25S. – 1,6 h.) / Eng.
    9. Difference between BOSS vs. LEADER (14S. – 1 h.) / Eng.
    10. 10 Lessons That Will Make You More Successful (15S. – 1,5 h.) / Eng.
    11. 12 Things Truly Confident People Do Differently (17S. – 1,5 h.) / Eng.
    12. 8 Tips For MANAGERS. Men vs Women. (17S. – 1,5 h.) / Eng.
    13. What are the TOP 5 areas to focus on very rapidly for the new CEO of a recently acquired company? (21S. – 1.5 h.) Eng.
    14. 15 Employee Engagement Activities (20S. – 1.5 h.) Eng.
    15. 4 Ways You’re Wasting Time at Work Without Even Realizing It (13S. – 1,5 h.) / Eng.
    16. 8 Little Things That Drive Your Coworkers Crazy and what to Do When Your Coworkers Find You Intimidating (17S. – 1,5 h.) / Eng.
    17. Как организовать идеальное рабочее пространство / How to organize an ideal workspace (24S. – 2.8 h.) / Rus.
    18. 9 Productive Tips to Work Faster (14S. – 1 h.) /Eng.
    19. Why Would Your Corporate Culture Be Embraced In China? (9S. – 0,6 h.) /Eng.
    20. How to Deal With a Bad Boss (8S. – 1 h.) / Eng.
    21. Почему они должны взять именно вас: что на самом деле хотят узнать работодатели / Why they should take you: what employers really want to know (11S. – 1,2 h.) / Rus.
    22. Как пройти собеседование / How to pass an interview (11S. – 1,4 h.) / Rus.
    23. Невербальное общение: как понравиться работодателю / Non-verbal communication: how to please the employer (15S. – 1,25 h.) / Rus.
    24. Performance Appraisal is NOT Performance Management.
    25. ROI of effective recognition. (58S. – 8 h.) / Eng.
    26. «Руководство вверх», или Как руководить своим руководителем / “Leadership“, or How to manage your Boss. (12S. – 1.60 h.) / Rus.
    27. Фирменные стандарты компании / Company brand standards (43S. – 3.5 h.) / Rus.
    28. Смешно потому, что правда! 13 убойных афоризмов о М и Ж в цитатах мудрейших людей планеты / Its funny because its true! ? 13 killer aphorisms about M and F in the quotations of the wisest people of the planet (9S. – 0.6 h.) / Rus.
    29. Get Hired! Ace that Job Interview (28S. – 3.6h.) / Eng.
    30. Be a Superstar Job Seeker (17S. – 2.4h.) / Eng.
    31. Talent Management (17S. – 1.4h.) / Eng.
  20. Art of Negotiations: How to succeed in business interrogations. Special technologies (10 parts – 40 h.) / Rus
  21. Motivational & Skill management (manipulation and Motivation of personnel) (28 h.) / Rus
  22. Стресс-менеджмент / Stress-management (204S. – 30 h.) / Rus.
  23. Corporate meetings & Brain storming (10 h.) / Rus
  24. Documentary and guarantee operations of banks (28S – 32 h.) / Rus
  25. International contracts and transactions. Foreign Trade Issues. Documentary & Guarantee business. (32 – 36 h.)
  26. Торговое финансирование и его основные инструменты (гарантии, аккредитивы) на международном и внутрироссийском рынках. / Trade financing and its main instruments (guarantees, letters of credit) on the international and domestic markets. (90S. – 16 h.)
  27. Entrepreneurship – Meeting with investors (12 h.) Eng

You are also welcomed to address RLLC for the special courses for Russian and English speaking listeners on your own choice. We will be happy to help you make better understanding of some special areas of management.